Historical Markers in
Johnston County, North Carolina

Ava Gardner Battle of Bentonville Battle of Bentonville Battle of Bentonville: March 19-21, 1865 Bentonville Bentonville Bentonville Battlefield Bentonville Battlefield Driving Tour Bentonville Union Soldiers Memorial Cole Farmhouse Confederate Attacks Confederate Cemetery Confederate Dead Monument Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston Confederate High Tide Confederate Hospital Confederate Line Crossing the Goldsboro Road Confederate Line of March Confederate Main Charge Confederate North Carolina Junior Reserve Line Confederate Works Edward W. Pou Federal Artillery Federal Earthworks Federal Junction Federal Line of March Fighting at the Cole Plantation: The “Battle of Acorn Run” Fighting Below the Road Fighting South of the Goldsboro Road: The “Bull Pen” First Union Attack Flag of Truce General Joseph Eggleston Johnston Hannah’s Creek Bridge Hardee’s Charge Hardee’s Counterattack Hastings House Honoring the Dead of the Battle of Bentonville Johnston Establishes His Headquarters Johnston’s Headquarters Main Confederate Line Main Confederate Line Main Union Line March 20th— Johnston Remains on the Battlefield Merging of the Armies Michigan Engineers Original Field Works Mill Creek Mitchener Station Mower’s Attack Mower’s Charge Reaches Johnston’s Headquarters N. C. Junior Reserves Naval Stores North Carolina Monument North Carolinians at the Battle of Bentonville Occupation of Smithfield Sherman Sherman Receives News of Lee's Surrender in Smithfield Sherman's Right Wing Arrives at Bentonville Sherman’s March Texas The Battle of Bentonville The Battle Shifts East: Fighting on March 21 The Last Grand Review The Town of Smithfield Town of Smithfield Tram Railroad Union Artillery at the Morris Farm Union Headquarters Union Headquarters Union Headquarters Union Hospital Union Hospital Union Line, March 20 Union Line, March 21 Village of Bentonville Village of Bentonville William E. Dodd "Uncle Billy" Comes to Bentonville