Historical Markers in Renville County, Minnesota
A Family's Proud Heritage
A New Life with Family and Friends
A Second Wave of Attacks
After the Battle
Battle of Birch Coulee
Battle Scars
Battle Tactics
Birch Coulee State Monument
Buffalo Lake Tornado
Caught Unaware!
Dakota Positions
Earle Monument
Farther and Gay Castle
Henderson Monument
Middle Creek Brave Settler Monument
Minnesota's Civil War
Only Two Survived
Redwood Ferry
Renville Legion Post 180
Schwandt State Monument
Site of Florita Settlement 1886-1912
Solid Friendships
Surrounded at the Coulee
Taoyateduta Leads His People in War
The Battle Ends
The Battle of Birch Coulee
The Battle of Birch Coulee
The Battle of Birch Coulee
The Battle of Birch Coulee
The Battle of Birch Coulee
The Enestvedt Marker
The Faithful Indians' Monument
The Joseph R. Brown House
The Kittelsland Water Wheel
The Prairie Factor
The Story of the Land
The U.S.Dakota War of 1862
Two Men, One War
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Vicksburg Cemetery
Vicksburg Village
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
"A Beautiful Place to Encamp"
The Fight Was On