National Register Listings in
Norfolk County, Massachusetts

Adams Academy Adams Building Adams National Historic Site Adams, John Quincy, Birthplace Adams, John, Birthplace Adams, John, School Alden, Arthur, House All Souls Church Ames Schoolhouse Anderson, Larz, Park Historic District Arcade Building Bainbridge, Randolph, House Barker, George A., House Barker, Henry F., House Barnes House Barnicoat, S. H., Monuments Bateman, William R., House Baxter Street Historic District Baxter-King House Beacon Street Historic District Beaconsfield Terraces Historic District Belcher, Jonathan, House Belcher-Rowe House Bent, G.H., Company Factory Bethany Congregational Church Blue Hills Headquarters Blue Hills Parkway Blue Hills Reservation Parkways-Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston Bowditch, William Ingersoll, House Boyden, Seth, House Brandegee Estate Brookline Town Green Historic District Brookline Village Commercial District Brookwood Farm Brown-Hodgkinson House Brush Hill Historic District Building at 1-7 Moscow Street Building at 30-34 Station Street Building at 51 Hunt Street Burgess, Charles H., House Burgess, Frank, House Burgin, Clarence, House Cabot, Lewis, Estate Candler Cottage Canton Corner Historic District Canton Viaduct Carpenter, Ezra, House Cary, Otis, House Caryl, Benjamin, House Central Fire Station Central Square Historic District Chestnut Hill Historic Distric Chickatawbut Observation Tower Child, Isaac, House Christ Church Christ Church Burial Ground Clapp, Lucius, Memorial Cobb's Tavern Coddington School Cohasset Central Cemetery Cohasset Common Historic District Colburn School-High Street Historic District Comfort Station Corey, Timothy, House No. 1 Corey, Timothy, House No. 2 Cottage Farm Historic District Cranch School Crane, Frank W., House Crane, Thomas, Public Library Curtis, Noah, House Curtis, Thomas, House Cypress-Emerson Historic District Davenport Estate Historic District Davis, Dr. Frank, House Davis, Robert S., House Davis, Thomas Aspinwall, House Day, Fred Holland, House Dean Junior College Historic District Dedham Village Historic District Devotion, Edward, House Dicey, Russell M., House Dogget, Solon, House Dorothy Q Apartments Douglass, Alfred, House Dutch House, The Dwight-Derby House Eaton-Moulton Mill Eliot Memorial Bridge Elks Building Ellice School Elliot, Gen. Simon, House Elm Bank Elm Park and Isaac Sprague Memorial Tower Emmett Cottage Endicott Estate Eustis Estate Historic District Fairbanks House Faxon House Fernwood Fire Station No. 7 First Baptist Church of Medfield First Baptist Church of Wollaston First Parish Unitarian Church Fisher Hill Historic District Fisher Hill Reservoir and Gatehouse Fisher School-High Street Historic District Fogg Building Fogg Library Forbes Hill Standpipe Forbes, Capt. Robert B., House Fore River Club House Foxboro Grange Hall Foxborough Pumping Station Foxborough State Hospital Francis, Dr. Tappan Eustis, House Franklin Common Historic District Front Street Historic District Fuller Brook Park Fuller, Amos, House Fuller, Peter, Building Fuller, Robert, House Furnace Brook Parkway Glover House Goddard, John, House Government Island Historic District Graffam Development Historic District Granite Trust Company Great Blue Hill Observation Tower Great Blue Hill Weather Observatory Green Hill Historic District Grover, Emery, Building Hagerty, Josephine M., House Halloran, John, House Hammond Pond Parkway Hancock Cemetery Hardwick House Harris, John, House and Farm Heath, Charles, House Heath, Ebenezer, House Hersey, Ebenezer B., House Holbrook Square Historic District Holbrook, Dr. Amos, House Holyhood Cemetery Hotel Adelaide Hotel Kempsford House at 105 Marion Street House at 105 President's Lane House at 12 Linden Street House at 12 Vernon Street House at 12-16 Corey Road House at 15 Gilmore Street House at 155 Reservoir House at 156 Mason Terrace House at 19 Linden Street House at 20 Sterling Street House at 23-25 Prout Street House at 25 High School Avenue House at 25 Stanton Road House at 32 Bayview Avenue House at 38-40 Webster Place House at 4 Perry Street House at 44 Linden Street House at 44 Stanton Road House at 5 Lincoln Road House at 53 Linden Street House at 83 Penniman Place House at 89 Rawson Road and 86 Colburne Crescent House at 9 Linden Street House at 92 Willard Street House at 94 Grandview Avenue Houses at 76-96 Harvard Avenue Hunnewell Estates Historic District Hutchinson's, Gov. Thomas, Ha-ha Inness-Fitts House and Studio/Barn Intermediate Building Jackson, Thaddeus, House Jefferson School Jewell, David L., House John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site (Additional Documentation) Kilsyth Terrace Kingsbury-Whitaker House Lennon, Edward J., House Lewis, Deacon Willard, House Lewis, Joshua, House Linden Park Linden Square Longwood Historic District Lothrop, Caleb, House Lynch-O'Gorman House Marsh, Charles, House Marsh, Edwin W., House Masonic Temple Massachusetts Fields School McIntire, Herman, House McIntosh Corner Historic District Medfield State Hospital Medway Village Historic District Memorial Hall Metropolitan District Commission Stable Milestone Milestone Miller, Edward, House Millis Center Historic District Mills, Davis, House Milton Cemetery Milton Centre Historic District Milton Hill Historic District Minot, George R., House Morse, Amos, House Moswetuset Hummock Mount Wollaston Cemetery Munroe Building Murphy, William, House Needham Town Hall Historic District Nelson, John R., House New England Telephone Building Newcomb Place Nightengale House Nightengale, Solomon, House Norfolk County Courthouse Norfolk Grange Hall North Bellingham Cemetery and Oak Hill Cemetery Norwood Memorial Municipal Building Nowland, J. Martin, House Oak Grove Farm Old Barn Old South Union Church Olmsted Park System Olmsted, Frederick Law, House, National Historic Site Original Congregational Church of Wrentham Orrock, Rev. John, House Paine Estate Partridge, John, House Paul's Bridge Peak House Perkins Estate Pettengill, C. F., House Pill Hill Historic District Pinkham House Plimpton-Winter House Pond Street School Pondville Cemetery Ponkapoag Camp of Appalachian Mountain Club Pratt Historic Building Pratt, Capt. Josiah, House Pratt-Faxon House Prospect Hill Cemetery Quincy Electric Light and Power Company Station Quincy Granite Railway Quincy Granite Railway Incline Quincy Homestead Quincy Point Fire Station Quincy Police Station Quincy Savings Bank Quincy School Quincy Shore Drive Quincy Town Hall Quincy Water Company Pumping Station Quincy, Josiah, House Quincy, Josiah, House Rabbit Hill Historic District Railway Village Historic District Record, Jonathan Dexter, House Red Brick School Redman Farm House Reed, Timothy, House Refreshment Pavillion Reservoir Park Richards, Alfred H., House Richmond Court Ritchie Building Roberts School Rockwood Road Historic District Roebuck Tavern Roughwood Saint Aidan's Church and Rectory Saint Mary of the Assumption Church, Rectory, School and Convent Saint Paul's Church, Chapel, and Parish House Saint Paul's Rectory Salem Lutheran Church Sargent's Pond Scott's Woods Historic District Sea Street Historic District Second Unitarian Church Sharon Historic District Sidelinger, George A., House Smith, A. C., & Co. Gas Station Smith, James, House South Junior High School Spear, Seth, Homestead Spurr, Eliphalet, House St. Mark's Methodist Church Standish, James H., House Stetson Hall Stoneholm Stoughton Railroad Station Strathmore Road Historic District Suffolk Resolves House Sullivan's Corner Historic District Thayer Public Library Thayer, Gen. Sylvanus, House Tolman-Gay House Toussaint, Winand, House Town Stable Townsend House Tuckerman, William F., House Turner, Stephen, House Twitchell, Ginery, House United First Parish Church (Unitarian) of Quincy US Post Office-Milton Main US Post Office-Quincy Main US Post Office-Weymouth Landing Vine Lake Cemetery Walnut Hills Cemetery Walpole Town Hall Warelands Washington School Wellesley Congregational Church and Cemetery Wellesley Farms Railroad Station Wellesley Hills Branch Library Wellesley Town Hall West Roxbury Parkway, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston Weymouth Civic District Weymouth Meeting House Historic District White Place Historic District White, Benjamin, House White, Charles E., House Whitney, Israel, House Wilber, Charles R., School Wilson, Capt. John, House and Bates Ship Chandlery Winfield House Wollaston Branch, Thomas Crane Public Library Wollaston Congregational Church Wollaston Fire Station Wollaston Theatre Wollaston Unitarian Church Woodward Institute Wrentham State School