National Register Listings in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana
Bank of Scott
Billeaud House
Billeaud, Martial, Jr., House
Brandt House
Broussard, Valsin, House
Comeaux House
Daigle House
Downtown Lafayette Civic Center
Ducrest Building
Dupleix House
Evangeline Hotel
First United Methodist Church
Freetown-Port Rico Historic District
Gordon Hotel
Holy Rosary Institute
Hope Lodge #145
Janin Store
Lafayette Central Business District
Lafayette Coca-Cola Bottling Plant
Lafayette Elementary School
Lafayette Hardware Store
Latiolais, Alexandre, House
Main Street Historic District
Martin, Sidney, House
Mouton, Alexandre, House
Mouton, Charles H., House
Oil Center Historic District
Old Guaranty Bank Building
Old Lafayette City Hall
Our Lady of the Assumption School
Roy, J. Arthur, House
Roy-LeBlanc House
St. Cecilia School
St. John's Cathedral
St. Julien House
Sterling Grove Historic District
Vermilion Inn