Historical Marker

Campbellsville College

Founded as Russell Creek Academy by Russell Creek Assoc. of Baptists in 1906. C.R. Hoskins sold ten-acre site for $1,000. On founding committee were J.L. Atkinson, J.R. Davis, George Durrett, James Garnett, Jr., S.E. Kerr, W.R. Lyon, B.W. Penick, Alexander Shively, W.T. Underwood, and H.C. Wood. Presented by Campbellsville College.

Campbellsville College - Traveling central Kentucky by buggy, L.C. Kelly, T.E. Ennis, H.S. Robinson, Abel Harding, Ed Henderson, C.M. and J.R. Durham raised funds needed to maintain Russell Creek Academy. Institution became Campbellsville Junior College in 1924. Administration Building with classrooms and library burned in 1939. Rebuilt and became senior college, 1960.