Historical Marker

Goodnight Memorial Library

Mrs. Goodnight (1858-1935), wife of I.H. Goodnight, in her will made possible the erection of this municipal building containing library, auditorium, assembly room, museum, kitchen. With aid of federal funds, WPA did the work. Assembly room used by Ella Hoy Goodnight Music Club. Sen. Alben W. Barkley, later Vice President, dedicated building in 1937.

Isaac Hershel Goodnight - State representative, congressman, circuit judge. Born Allen County 1849, he came here in 1870 and began practice, 1873. Served as state representative, 1877-1878, U.S. Congressman from 1889-95. Chairman of the Democratic State Convention of 1891. Elected judge of Kentucky's seventh circuit in 1897, serving till his death here in 1901.