Historical Marker

Robert H. Brooks (1915-1941)

Historical marker location:
Sadieville, Kentucky
( 605 Pike Street, Sadieville)

Born Oct. 8, 1915, in Sadieville, this African American entered an "all white" National Guard unit before WW II began. As a private in Co. D, 192nd Tank Battalion, he was stationed in the Philippine Islands. Brooks was killed on Dec. 8, 1941, during the initial Japanese bombing of Clark Field, near Fort Stotsenburg.

Robert H. Brooks (1915-1941) - Brooks, at age 26, was officially declared the first U. S. Armored Forces casualty of WW II. He is buried in the American-Manila Cemetery in the Philippine Islands. The main parade ground at Fort Knox was named Brooks Field in his honor on December 23, 1941. Presented by City of Sadieville, Scott County Fiscal Court, and American Legion Scott Post No. 24.