Historical Marker

PFC Wesley Phelps

This Congressional Medal of Honor winner, born in Grayson County, June 12, 1923, is buried in Rosine Cemetery. Phelps served with Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, First Marine Divison, during World War II. The honor was awarded Phelps posthumously for gallantry at the risk of his life that another might be spared serious injury on Paleliu Island, Japan.

Medal of Honor Winner - Pvt. Phelps was in WW II action against enemy Japanese forces during a savage counterattack. He and another Marine were in an advanced position when a hand grenade landed in his foxhole. Phelps shouted a warning to his comrade and rolled over on deadly bomb, absorbing impact of explosion with his body. He courageously gave his life, Oct. 4, 1944.