Historical Marker

Pioneer Outpost & Spring

Historical marker location:
Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
( 4510 Winchester Rd., Mt. Sterling)

100 yds. south of here stood Fort Baker, 1 of 36 pioneer outposts critical to settlement of Clark, Montgomery, & Bath counties. Est. spring 1790 by John Baker, station covered 20 acres. Fort evacuated after nighttime attack on June 29 by four Native Americans. Samuel Dickerson severely wounded & died; Baker’s brother, Isaac, shot.

Although outpost was abandoned, several men returned at season’s end to harvest the corn crop they had planted. In 1793, John Baker gave 66 acres of his land & founded the town of Winchester, which was named after his hometown in Va. The oval spring & well, just north of the station, was visited by Pres. Andrew Jackson on October 2, 1832

Dedicated June 29, 2013.