Historical Marker

Union Camp Site

In July 1864 Co. D, 35th Regt. Ky. Vol. Mtd. Inf. camped, north on Houston land. Muster, Owensboro Oct. 2, 1863. Guarded area between Cumberland and Green Rivers. Part of Union force that defeated CSA Gen. Adam R. Johnson's Partisan Rangers at Grubb's Cross Roads in Aug. 1864. Fought at Saltville, Va. Mustered out at Louisville, Dec. 29, 1864. Roster other side.

McLean County Recruits, Co. D 35 Regt. KY. Vol. Mounted Inf.:

Chas. W. D. (Frank) Prange, Capt.;

Geo. W. Mosley, Jas. T. Goode, Lieuts.;

Wm. A. Short, John H. Taylor, Sgts.

  • James R. Baughn
  • Joseph F. Baughn
  • Allen H. Benton
  • Granville Brown
  • Michael Conley
  • Remos G. Cary
  • Samuel A. Hudson
  • Hubbard V. Hicks
  • George L. Jones
  • John W. Little
  • Lucius L. Mitchell

  • Western Mitchell
  • Thomas A. Nally
  • James D. Nally
  • Charles F. Prange
  • Malvin Presley, Cpl.
  • William L. Roads
  • Mark L. T. Robertson
  • Lafayette Riley
  • Alexander Stogner
  • James A. Taylor
  • William B. Taylor.
