Historical Marker

West Kentucky Industrial College

Historical marker location:
Paducah, Kentucky
( 1400 Thompson Ave., Paducah)

Ground broken for this college on December 9, 1909, by Dr. Dennis H. Anderson, who had a determination to improve education for Negroes in Kentucky. The cornerstone for first building laid, 1911. Dr. Anderson failed to get bill passed in 1912 legislature to make the school a state institution. It did become state-supported in 1918 and by 1938 had grown to be the third largest Negro junior college in the United States. Presented by the National Alumni Association: Lorenzo Goatley, President, J. D. Marks, Jr., Secy.

West Kentucky Industrial College - Before it merged with Ky. State, 1938, this college was served by Presidents D. H. Anderson, 1909-37, and H. C. Russell, 1937-38. A vocational school established in 1938. The following have served as its president: M. H. Griffin, 1938-43; H. C. Russell, 1943-47; M. J. Sleet (Acting Pres.), 1947-48; C. L. Timberlake, 1948-57; and H. C. Mathis since 1957. School has continued to meet the vocational needs of Kentuckians. Presented by the National Alumni Association.