Historical Marker

Unity Church-The United Church of Christ

Historical marker location:
Paducah, Kentucky
( 4600 Buckner Ln., Paducah)

Organized August, 1874 as "German Evangelical Unity Church" with the Rev. Daniel Eschenbrenner, first pastor. German services held in "Old School House Church" on So. 3rd St. New church at 423 So. 5th St. dedicated August, 1894 and renamed Unity Evangelical Church. Services in English begun in 1905. Located here in June, 1961.

Unity Church-The United Church of Christ - Evangelical and Reformed Churches of German origin united in 1934. Both have heritage dating to the Reformation in 1517. Merger with Congregational-Christian, English origin, 1957. This merger first in our nation of denominations of different governing styles and of national backgrounds. Presented by Church.