Historical Marker

Dr. Reuben Saunders (1808-1891)

Historical marker location:
Paducah, Kentucky
( Entrance to Oak Grove Cem., Paducah)

Physician credited with discovery that hypodermic use of morphine-atropine halted cholera during epidemic here, 1873. Telegraphed prescription to other plague-stricken areas. Honored by Medical Association in U.S. and Europe. First to advocate fresh air for pneumonia and tuberculosis. Grandfather of Irvin S. Cobb. Presented by John Pearce Campbell IV.

Dr. Reuben Saunders (1808-1891) - Outstanding pioneer physician in Western Kentucky for 50 years. Born in Frankfort; died in Paducah. Buried in this cemetery beside his son, Dr. John Bartlett Saunders (1840-1873), also a physician of eminence. John migrated to Honolulu, where he did research on leprosy. He was personal physician to King of Hawaii at the time of his death. Presented by John Pearce Campbell IV.