Historical Marker

Barkley's Grave

Historical marker location:
Paducah, Kentucky
( Entrance to Mt. Kenton Cem., Paducah)

Alben W. Barkley, "The Veep," was Senate majority leader under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Vice-President under President Harry S. Truman. He died on April 30, 1956, while addressing a mock Democratic Convention at Washington and Lee Univ. His last words were: "I would rather be a servant in the house of the Lord than sit in the seats of the mighty."

Alben W. Barkley - Alben W. Barkley, Vice President of United States, 1949-53. Member U.S. Senate, 1927-49 and 1955-56; Senate Democratic leader 13 years; House of Representatives 1913-27. Born in Lowes, Ky., 1877. Came to Paducah 1898. Elected to first public office as McCracken County Attorney, 1905. County Judge, 1909. Buried in Mt. Kenton Cemetery, in 1956. Loved and honored by nation. Presented by McCracken County Fiscal Court.