Historical Marker

Madison Hemp and Flax Co.

Began operations here on Silver Creek in 1806. The machinery for spinning hemp and flax was run by water power. In 1808, received permission from the legislature to incorporate and sell stock. Factory produced thread which was sold or used here for weaving. One hundred and six spindles were in operation, each capable of spinning daily 1/2 lb. thread suitable for linen.

Hemp in Kentucky - First crop grown, 1775. From 1840 to 1860, Ky.'s production largest in U.S. Peak in 1850 was 40,000 tons, with value of $5,000,000. Scores of factories made twine, rope, oakum to caulk sailing ships and cotton bagging. State's largest cash crop until 1915. Market lost to imported jute, freed of tariff. As war measure, hemp grown again during World War II.