Historical Marker

"Divine Elm"

Historical marker location:
Richmond, Kentucky
( Ft. Boonesborough State Park near camping area, Richmond)

Near this site, close to the walls of the fort, stood the "Divine Elm," a majestic tree, under whose boughs 100 persons could be seated. The old tree served as both council chamber and church in the development of this state. On May 23, 1775, it was site of the first legislative session held in Kentucky, presided over by Colonel Richard Henderson.

"Divine Elm" - Here, May 28, 1775, the first official Christian worship service in Kentucky was conducted by the Reverend John Lyth, representing the Church of England. To replace the original which fell in 1828, this elm tree was planted by the Boone Family Assn. on Sept. 2, 1927, near site of the "Divine Elm." At its roots was placed earth from thirty-seven historic American shrines.