Historical Marker

The Kentucky Soldiers' Home

Historical marker location:
Prospect, Kentucky
( 6319 River Rd., Prospect, KY)

Located at Harrod’s Creek, this was the only institution in Kentucky founded for Union Civil War veterans. It was proposed by the J. T. Boyle Post No. 109 of the Grand Army of the Republic. Chartered in 1890, it opened July 1891. It was established as a home for aged and infirm Union veterans not able to support themselves.

Former Union Gen. Speed S. Fry became the first superintendent and directed the home until his death in 1892. Then, Catherine E. Hirst of the Ladies’ Aid Society oversaw operations until it closed several years later. In the few years of its existence, it was home to thirty-five veterans, five of whom died at the Home.

Dedicated November 12, 2016.