Historical Marker

Rev. William H. Sheppard

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( Jct. Hancock & Jacob Sts., Louisville)

Born in Waynesboro, Virginia, in 1865, Sheppard attended Hampton and Stillman Institutes. Sent to the Belgian Congo in 1890, he served as missionary in Africa until 1910. Became a fellow of the Royal Geographic Society of London in 1893 for his explorations. Sheppard denounced the Belgian colonists' cruelty in the Congo. Presented by Alderman George Unseld.

Rev. William H. Sheppard - Returning from Africa, Sheppard was pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Louisville from 1912 until his death in 1927. One of the city's most respected African American leaders, he was known for his work in the Smoketown community. Sheppard Park (1924) and Sheppard Square Housing Project (1942) named in his honor. Presented by Alderman George Unseld.