Historical Marker

Louisville Cotton Mill

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( 946 Goss Ave., Louisvville)

Built in 1889, this was the first cotton mill in Louisville and a significant example of Victorian industrial architecture. The mill initially produced cotton warp for “Kentucky Jeans,” but in 1919 diversified into other fabrics under the name of Louisville Textile Co. In the 1930s-40s, Fincastle Fabrics were made here and sold worldwide. By 1948, Louisville Textiles, Inc. was Kentucky’s largest textile mill.

Germantown Mill Lofts- In 1967, the mill closed due to labor costs and competition. Booker-Price Furniture Corp. bought the facility and owned it from 1968-2012. Another notable tenant was the Louisville Antique Mall, which was located here from 1986-2012. In 2016, extensive renovations for a residential community were completed.The original mill complex was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982 and was expanded in 2016.

Dedicated 2017.