Historical Marker

Knights of Pythias Temple

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( 930 W. Chestnut St., Louisville)

The Knights of Pythias Lodge was organized in 1893 and the state headquarters built, 1915, at a cost of $130,000. The same prominent leaders organized the Lodge and Chestnut Street YMCA. Among those founding fathers were Albert Mack, W. H. Wright, and Albert Meyzeek. Known for their social and civic activities, the Pythians served as role models for black youths.

Hub of Culture and History - The Pythias Temple housed many professional offices and facilities for serving the community. It included USO for blacks and office of James Bond, civil rights leader. Some 25,000 blacks attended the National Pythian Convention in this city, 1925. Lodge declined after Depression; Temple sold to Chestnut St. YMCA, 1953. Listed on National Register of Historic Places, 1978.