Historical Marker

John B. Castleman-Soldier

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( Near Cherokee Triangle, Cherokee Road, Louisville, KY)

Castleman, one of Morgan's men, led attempt in 1864 to free CSA prisoners at Camp Morton. He was imprisoned until end of the war, exiled, then pardoned by President Johnson. A native of Fayette Co., he came here in 1867. Colonel, Louisville Legion, lst Regt., Ky. State Guard, reorganized in 1878. Served with lst Regt. as Brigadier General in Puerto Rico, 1898-99.

John B. Castleman-Citizen - After the Civil War, Castleman studied law and graduated from University of Louisville in 1868. Known as Father of Louisville Park System, he was responsible for Cherokee, Shawnee, Iroquois and Central parks. Castleman also organized and was president of American Saddle Horse Assn., 1892. Appointed Adjutant General by both governors Knott and Beckham.