Historical Marker

Isaac Hite's Home

Historical marker location:
Anchorage, Kentucky
( 12215 Lucas Ln., Anchorage)

This log house, which appears as Hite's house on John Filson's map printed in 1784, was on the plantation, Cave Spring, owned by Isaac Hite, an early surveyor. Hite (1753-1794) was born in Virginia. He came to Kentucky in 1773 in Capt. Thomas Bullitt's party which was the first to survey Jefferson Co. and the land on which Louisville now stands.

Isaac Hite - In 1775 Isaac Hite represented the Boiling Spring Settlement at Transylvania Convention that met at Boonesborough in first attempt to form government in Ky. He fought beside Boone, Todd and Stoner defending Boonesborough, being wounded on April 24, 1777. He served with Gen. George Rogers Clark in the Indian Campaigns of 1780 and 1782. Hite died in 1794.