Historical Marker

Governor Thomas E. Bramlette

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville)

Lawyer, legislator, soldier, and governor, he was born on Jan. 3, 1817, in present Clinton County. During Civil War he raised and was colonel of 3rd Ky. Union Inf. In 1862, Pres. Lincoln appointed him US Dist. Attorney for Ky. The next year he became governor after an election rife with Union military interference.

During the war, resisted Confed. guerrillas & Lincoln over black troops, habeas corpus, & civilian arrests. Governor until 1867, he supported pardons for ex-CSA and fought Freedmen's Bureau, 14th & 15th constitutional ammend. Estab. Ag. & Mech. College, forerunner to Univ. of Ky. After term was a Louisville lawyer. Died 1875.