Historical Marker

Founding of Jefferson Seminary

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( U of L, Belknap Campus, off 3rd St.near Grawemeyer Hall, Louisville)

April 3, 1798, is the university's symbolic founding date. On this date, eight Louisvillians pledged financial support for a new school. The 1798 benefactors were: William Croghan, Alexander S. Bullitt, James Meriwether, John Thruston, Henry Churchill, Richard Anderson, William Taylor, and John Thompson.

Founding of Jefferson Seminary - From this commitment to higher education came Jefferson Seminary, which evolved into University of Louisville. The Louisville Medical Institute opened 1837; merged in 1846 with Louisville College, an outgrowth of Jefferson Seminary. A law school was added, and the new entity named the University of Louisville in 1846.