Historical Marker

Forest Home Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( 4515 Petersburg Rd., Louisville)

Forest Home Cemetery evolved from an old slave burial ground and is final resting place of Eliza Curtis Hundley Tevis (ca. 1802-84) and other early settlers of Petersburg community. Tevis was born a slave but gained freedom in 1833. She and her husband Henry purchased 40 acres in 1851 in Wet Woods, where Tevis had lived for many years. Presented by African American Heritage Foundation.

Forest Home Cemetery - Tevis was a significant African American landowner in antebellum Jefferson County. After the Civil War, the Tevis property and 40 adjacent acres purchased by Peter Laws were subdivided by 1880 to form rural African American community of Petersburg. Forest Home Cemetery is located near site of Tevis home and is one of oldest dedicated African American burial grounds in Ky.