Historical Marker

Cathedral of the Assumption

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( 443 S. Fifth St., Louisville)

Parish first gathered in 1805; founded by Father Stephen Badin, the first Roman Catholic priest ordained in U.S. Congregation moved to this site, 1830. In mid-1830s Catherine Spalding founded orphanage and academy here. In 1841, center of America's oldest inland diocese transferred from Bardstown to Louisville.

Cathedral of the Assumption - Benedict Flaget, "First Bishop of the West," moved here and is buried in crypt. Present church was begun in 1849 under leadership of Bishop Martin John Spalding and dedicated, October 3, 1852. Building was planned by architect William Keely. Cathedral witnessed 1855 Bloody Monday riot and Civil War funeral services. On the National Register of Historic Places, 1977.