Historical Marker

Zion Temple A.M.E. Zion Church/The Freedom Church

Historical marker location:
Madisonville, Kentucky
( 205 North Church Street, Madisonville, KY)

"Zion Temple A.M.E. Zion Church" - Founded in 1868 by Rev. Anthony Bunche, Zion Temple A.M.E. Zion Church is the oldest African American church in Hopkins Co. It was established in an old log schoolhouse given by abolitionist Hubbard Lunsford. The current site was purchased in 1878. A larger “box-type building” was erected in 1881 and named Walker’s Chapel for Rev. Willis Walker.

"The Freedom Church" - In 1905, work began on a two- story brick building on North Church St. under the pastorate of Rev. R.B. Hendricks using all Black craftsmen. The edifice was completed in 1906 and renamed Zion Temple. In 1941, under Rev. W.E. Gantt the lower church was rebuilt and continues to serve as a place of worship. Dedicated February 1, 2020.