Historical Marker

Home of Robert C. Beauchamp

Historical marker location:
Hawesville, Kentucky
( 25 State Route 3543, Hawesville, KY)

Robert Costain Beauchamp (1800-1884) was a farmer and businessman who served Hancock County in the state legislature from 1867-71. He eventually owned 5,000 acres of land in this county. Beauchanp was one of the first men to introduce the plantation system of farming to Hancock County. Presented by Hancock County Fiscal Court.

(Reverse) Early Plantation in County - Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 1976. Robert C. Beauchamp's two-story brick house, of Georgian design, was built in 1842. This plantation was one of the first in Hancock County. It was a self-sufficient community, with several kilns to make bricks for other buildings, a blacksmith shop, loomhouses, and a dairy. Presented by Hancock County Fiscal Court.