Historical Marker

Site of Melber School

Historical marker location:
Melber, Kentucky
( 11735 State Route 339 N., Melber)

Site of 1st Melber school building in 1897. Became Melber Jr. H.S. in 1903. Building burned on Oct. 1, 1929. New brick building opened Aug. 25, 1930. Between 1937-1954, Melber served grades 1-12, and between 1954-1963, elem. grades. Melber Elem. School consolidated with Lowes High School in 1963.

(Reverse) School Consolidation- Early Ky. school districts were very small. System abolished in 1908 in favor of county school system. After 1920s, consolidation common in Ky. Changes in agric. & out-migration contributed. Pupils of outlying districts transported to Melber & Lowes. By 1930, state standards for teachers began, and school year increased to 7 mos.