Historical Marker

John Hampton House

Historical marker location:
Frankfort, Kentucky
( 101 West Main St., Frankfort)

Earliest surviving stone house in city. Built before 1840, it is constructed of patterned river limestone with jack arches over windows and doors. The builder, John Hampton, was a tavern owner and operator in the county by 1818. His licenses extended into the 1820s. Several members of his family owned and operated taverns. Presented by Mrs. Fred W. Burch.

(Reverse) Early Stone House - This house, built by John Hampton, was later the home of Col. Mason H. P. Williams, Franklin County sheriff. He entertained Judge John M. Elliott of Ky. Court of Appeals in this house the night before the judge's assassination across street at the Capital Hotel, March 26, 1879. Listed on National Register of Historic Places. Presented by Mrs. Fred W. Burch.