Historical Marker

Hiram Lodge #4 F. & A.M.

Historical marker location:
Frankfort, Kentucky
( 308 Ann St., Frankfort)

Chartered on December 11, 1799, by Virginia, as Hiram Lodge No. 57. It was renamed Hiram Lodge No. 4 on September 8, 1800, when the Grand Lodge of Kentucky was formed. The Ann Street lot was purchased on May 20, 1892; cornerstone laid April 1893; and dedicated on June 11, 1896. Presented by Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons - Hiram #4.

(Reverse) Hiram Lodge #4 F. & A.M. - Past members of Hiram Lodge #4 include Richard M. Johnson, U.S. vice president, 1837-41; Amos Kendall, U.S. postmaster general, 1835-40; Colonel John Allen, Grand Master, killed War of 1812; Judge George M. Bibb, Kentucky Court of Appeals, U.S. senator. Presented by Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons - Hiram #4.