Historical Marker
"Glen Willis"
Historical marker location:
Frankfort, Kentucky
( Wilkinson Blvd., Frankfort)
Willis A. Lee, Jr., built a double two-story log house here in 1793. Tract of land on which the house stood was given to Lee by his uncle, Hancock Lee, founder of Leestown, the first settlement in Franklin County. In 1815 Lee erected a story and a half brick house, "Glen Willis," on same site and resided there until his death in 1824.
(Reverse) "Glen Willis" - In 1832 the Lee family sold "Glen Willis" to Humphrey Marshall, officer in Revolution, lawyer, extensive landowner, legislator, Federalist leader. In 1809 he fought a duel with Henry Clay over political differences. Marshall wrote one of the earliest histories of Kentucky. Died in 1841. House then bought and enlarged by Henry H. Murray.