Historical Marker

"Father of Kentucky Historical Society Highway Marker Program"

Historical marker location:
Frankfort, Kentucky
( Old State Capitol, Broadway, Frankfort)

Still dynamic after a full career of diversified public service, W. A. Wentworth directed rapid expansion of Kentucky Historical Highway Marker Program as Chairman, 1962 until his death, 1971. Born New Hampshire, 1888. Public Relations executive with Borden Co., N.Y., for 27 years. President General, Natl. Society Sons of the American Revolution.

(Reverse) "Father of Kentucky Historical Society Highway Marker Program" - In 1962, eighty percent of the few markers in Kentucky were located in the Bluegrass area. Under W. A. Wentworth's leadership, markers were erected in every county with more than 1100 in the state. Affection for his "adopted state" was displayed by dedication to this program. These historical markers will remain a monument to his scholarship and integrity.