Historical Marker

Early South Frankfort

Historical marker location:
Frankfort, Kentucky
( 507 W. Second St., Frankfort)

This site is part of 500-acre land grant (1782) to Rev. War soldier Geo. Campbell, who served with Geo. Rogers Clark. Property has been owned by noted persons including early legislators Otho Beatty, Wm. Murray and Baker Ewing; State Auditor Thomas Page; and lawyer philanthropist John Hanna. South Frankfort, a separate town 1810-50, included most of Campbell survey.

(Reverse) Early Families Here - Owners whose families lived in the original house here - J. W. Denny, State Attorney General; Thomas Loughborough and son Judge Preston Loughborough, Chief U. S. Postal Inspector; Sally S. Jouett, widow of Col. William R. Jouett; and Thomasine Jouett, granddaughter of Rev. war hero Jack Jouett. This Queen Anne house was built by John Meagher, 1889-90.