Historical Marker

Moneta J. Sleet, Jr. (1926-1996)

Born in Owensboro, Sleet was a graduate of Ky. State College and New York Univ. Beginning in 1955, he worked as photojournalist for Jet and Ebony magazines for 41 yrs. During the 1950s-60s, his photos documented the African struggle for independence and the American civil rights movement. He inspired a generation of photographers. Presented by City of Owensboro and Messenger-Inquirer.

(Reverse) Pulitzer Prize Winner - As friend of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., Sleet covered the Selma to Montgomery (Ala.) March and later King's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. In 1969, he won Pulitzer Prize for photo of Coretta Scott King at Dr. King's funeral (first African American photographer to receive this award). His work has been part of numerous museum exhibitions.