Historical Marker

Hdqrs. CSA Commander

Nathan Bedford Forrest, stationed in Hopkinsville during winter of 1861-62, resided, with wife and daughter, in log house, the third residence south. As colonel, in command 6 companies CSA Cavalry, reconnoitered Union forces between here and the Ohio River, defeated gunboat, CONESTOGA, at Canton, also US force at Sacramento. Withdrew when CSA left Bowling Green.(Reverse) 101 CSA Unknown - Six companies CSA Cavalry under Col. Forrest were camped a mile to the north at the old fairgrounds, while reconnoitering this area in winter, 1861-62. A severe epidemic swept the camp and several hundred men died. When the city enlarged cemetery, 1887, John C. Latham, native of Hopkinsville, had bodies of 101 unknown reinterred and a large monument erected.