Historical Marker

Aviation Pioneer

Matthew Sellers, among first to experiment with gliding and power flight. Did this research at his home and laboratory, 6 mi. south, 1897-1911. Built most advanced wind tunnel of his day, 1903, to study lift and drag of various wing designs; and developed first use of retracting wheels, 1908, on powered plane said to be lightest ever flown.

(Reverse) Matthew B. Sellers - Born in Baltimore, 1869, of parents who were Kentuckians. He was educated in Germany and France, receiving law degree at Harvard, 1892. Died in 1932. Among patents he received: 1908, airplane-type kite, prototype for later models; 1909, fourwing glider, basis for powered plane; 1911, power plane with retractable wheels; 1914, steering and wheel retraction improvements. Presented by sons of Matthew Sellers.