Historical Marker

Highland United Methodist Church

Historical marker location:
Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
( 314 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas)

The oldest church congregation in Ft. Thomas. Began in the home of Wm. & Alice Taliaferro in 1830. In 1832, log structure was built for Sunday services & served as first school in the area during the week. 1850-52, frame church building was erected on N. Ft. Thomas Ave. near Holly Lane. In 1900, the present building was built on this site.(Reverse) From 1900-1915, all Highlands High School baccalaureate & graduation services were held in this church. The first kindergarten in the city met here until it moved to Moyer in 1931. At least 148 men and women from the church served in WWII. After Highlands High School burned in 1962, church housed the 7th & 8th grades for rest of year.