Historical Marker

Farmersville School

First school in Farmersville began here in 1844, when Floyd Nash, age 24, commenced teaching "sixteen schollars" in a log structure at Donaldson Baptist Church. Classes held in various buildings until March 1943, when fire destroyed Farmersville School. Students then transferred to Fredonia. Presented by Alumni of Farmersville School.

(Reverse) Farmersville School - In 1838, William Asherst gave land to Donaldson Church; site later became permanent location for school. With Miss Ercel Egbert as the principal, Farmersville in 1922-23 became 4-year high school. Enrollment stood at 256 when fire in 1943 ended the Farmersville School, which had trained generations of community leaders. Presented by Alumni of Farmersville School.