Historical Marker

Little Muddy Community

Historical marker location:
Morgantown, Kentucky
( Little Muddy Church Rd. and Hwy. 231, Morgantown)

Settled ca. 1800 by Rev. War veterans Thos. Carson, John Helm, & Matthew Kuykendall who received land grants for their service. These founders of Butler County served as first county surveyor, presiding justice of county court, and first sheriff. Community has been served by water grist mill built in 1811, a mercantile business est.1890s, & a post office from 1893-1919.

(Reverse) Thomas Carson donated land for a cemetery & Little Muddy Cumberland Presbyterian Church, organized in 1811 from camp meetings starting as early as 1805. Slave church members may have helped construct the brick building which served as church and Little Muddy Academy. Built in 1830, it is one of oldest in the county. The frame church was built in 1860.