Historical Marker

Fort Ancient Village

Historical marker location:
Augusta, Kentucky
( Augusta City Park, Augusta, KY)

Fort Ancient Village at Augusta - Augusta is located on the site of a major settlement of the Fort Ancient people, who lived here between AD 1500 and 1650. The village consisted of large communal houses built around a central plaza. Archaeologists documented artifacts & burials over a wide area. The village was abandoned by 1650. Augusta Rotary Club.

(Reverse) Who were Fort Ancient People? - Fort Ancient people lived in the middle Ohio River Valley from AD 1000 to 1750. They lived in villages, grew crops (including corn, beans and squash), hunted, fished, made salt, and traded goods, like marine shell, with other villages throughout the region. Fort Ancient people preceded Shawnee and other tribes. Augusta Rotary Club. Dedicated August 31, 2019.