Historical Marker

John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911)

Historical marker location:
Danville, Kentucky
( Weisiger Park, Main St., Danville)

Born in Boyle Co. and a graduate of Centre College, 1850, Harlan practiced law in central Ky. after 1853. Although against Lincoln and abolition in 1860, he was a strong Unionist during Civil War; recruited 10th Ky. Infantry. Elected Attorney General of Kentucky in 1863. Supported rebuilding Union and amendments 13-15. Named to Supreme Court by Pres. Hayes; served nearly 34 yrs.

(Reverse) Kentucky's "Great Dissenter" - During John Marshall Harlan's Supreme Court tenure, he authored 1161 opinions, spoke for the Court 745 times and wrote 316 dissents. Harlan was a highly respected jurist because of his individualism, dedication, and courage. He dissented with vigor, often alone, on issues of civil rights, interstate commerce, and income tax. Many of his dissents became the law of the land.