Historical Marker

Putnam Stadium

This stadium served the Ashland Public Schools. Built in 1937 for $6,500 as a WPA project, it was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day that same year. The Ashland High School Tomcats\' record of success includes 11 state championships. In 1944, the Tomcats played under the lights at Putnam Stadium for the first time. Presented by Representative John Vincent.','Schools|Sports|Works Progress Administration (WPA)',''),

('Sandy Furnace','1131','Boyd','KY 3 at KY 773','Built 1853 by Young, Foster & Co. (Dan and John Young, Wm. Foster, Irwin Gilruth), 4 mi. west on a 19,000 acre tract. Stone stack originally 32 ft. high, 101/2 ft. across inside. In 1854, its last year of operation, made 1000 tons of iron, which had to be hauled by oxcart across country to Big Sandy River. See other side. Marker presented by Armco Steel Corp.

(Reverse) Iron Made in Kentucky - A major producer since 1791, Ky. ranked 3rd in US in 1830s, 11th in 1965. Charcoal timber, native ore, limestone supplied material for numerous furnaces making pig iron, utensils, munitions in the Hanging Rock, Red River, Between Rivers, Rolling Fork, Green River Regions. Old charcoal furnace era ended by depletion of ore and timber and the growth of railroads.','Iron Industry'),

('\"Uncle\" Charlie Moran','1091','Boyle','US 127, Centre College Campus, Danville','Colorful college football coach and National Baseball League umpire. Coached Praying Colonels of Centre College into national football spotlight, 1916-23. See other side. First coached, 1898-99, at Bethel College, Russellville, Ky. Then held four other coaching positions before going to Texas A. and M., where he coached, 1908-13, and at Carlisle Indian School, 1914-15. After seven years at Centre, then went to Bucknell Univ., 1923-25; Catawba College, 1929-39. National League umpire, 1917-39. Officiated at four baseball World Series-1927, 29, 33, 38. Born in Nashville, Tennessee, 1879. University of Tenn., 1897. Resident of Horse Cave. Died, 1949. Interred Horse Cave Cemetery.

(Reverse) Coach Moran\'s Banner Football Record at Centre

Centre Opponent Centre Opponent
1919 1920
95 Hanover 0 66 Morris Harvey 0
Centre Opponent Centre Opponent

12 - Indiana - 3

57 - St. Xavier - 0

69 - Transylvania - 0

46 - Virginia - 7

14 - W. Virginia - 6

56 - Kentucky - 0

56 - DePauw - 0

77 - Georgetown - 7


120 - Howard - 0

55 - Transylvania -0

14 - Harvard - 31

0 - Georgia Tech - 24

34 - DePauw - 0

49 - Kentucky - 0

28 - VPI - 0

103 - Georgetown - 0

77 - Tex. Christian - 7

1921 National


14 - Clemson - 0

14 - VPI - 0

28 - St. Xavier - 6

98 - Transylvania - 0

6 - Harvard - 0

55 - Kentucky - 0

21 - Auburn - 0

25 - Wash. and Lee - 0

21 - Tulane - 0

38 - Arizona - 0

Post season

14 - Texas A and M - 22


72 - Carson-Newman - 0

21 - Clemson - 0

55 - Mississippi - 0

10 - VPI - 6

10 - Harvard - 24

32 - Louisville - 7

27 - Kentucky - 3

27 - Wash. and Lee - 6

0 - Auburn - 6

42 - S. Carolina - 0


14 - Carson-Newman - 0

28 - Clemson - 7

29 - Oglethorpe - 0

0 - Pennsylvania - 24

10 - Kentucky - 0

20 - Sewanee - 6

17 - Auburn - 0

19 - Wash. and Lee - 0

3 - Georgia - 3
