National Register Listings in Madison County, Iowa
Allen, James, Stone Barn
Armstrong, George and Susan Guiberson, House
Bevington, C. D. and Eliza Heath, Privy
Bevington, C. D., House and Stone Barn
Bricker-Price Block
Church, Seymour, House
Cornell, W. J. and Nettie J., House
Craven, J. D., Women's Relief Corps Hall
Cunningham Bridge
Cutler-Donahue Covered Bridge
Drake, John and Amanda Bigler, House
Duff Barn
Duncan, John M., House
Earlham Public School
Early, John and Elizabeth McMurn, House
Evans, Henry and Elizabeth Adkinson, House
Ford, W. T., House
Guiberson House
Henderson, Daniel and Nancy Swaford, House
Hogback Covered Bridge
Holliwell Covered Bridge
Holmes, John S. and Elizabeth Beem, Barn
Hornback, Emily, House
Imes Covered Bridge
Kellogg, Miles and Elizabeth Smith, House
Lewis, Judge W.H. and Emma, Historic District
Macumber, John Andrew and Sara, Ice House
Madison County Courthouse
McDonald House
McQuie, Peter and Isabelle McCulloch, Milkhouse
Miller Bridge
Morgan Bridge
Nichols, William Anzi, House
North River Stone Schoolhouse
Ogburn, William, House
Queen, Hogan and Martha A. Runkle, House
Roseman Covered Bridge
Schnellbacher, John and Fredericka Meyer, House
Schoenenberger, Nicholas, House and Barn
Seerley, William and Mary (Messersmith) Barn and Milkhouse-Smokehouse
Shriver, William R. and Martha Foster, House
Smith, Hiram C., House
Smith, Hiram C., Milking Shed
Sprague, Brown, and Knowlton Store
St. Patrick's Church
Tidrick, Miller Richard and Mary Fisher, House
Vawter, J. G. and Elizabeth S., House
Wallace, Henry C., House
White, Munger and Company, Store
Wilson, Seth and Elizabeth, House
Winterset City Park Historic District
Winterset Courthouse Square Commercial Historic District
Winterset High School