National Register Listings in Larimer County, Colorado
Ammons Hall
Anderson, Peter, House
Armstrong Hotel
Arrowhead Lodge
Avery House
Baker House
Baldpate Inn
Bear Lake Comfort Station
Bee Farm
Benson, A.S., House
Big Thompson River Bridge III
Big Thompson River Bridge IV
Bimson Blacksmith Shop
Bingham Homestead Rural Historic Landscape
Borland, Maude Stanfield Harter, House
Botanical and Horticultural Laboratory
Bouton, Jay H., House
Buckeye School
Cascade Cottages
Chasteen's Grove
Clatworthy Place
Colorado and Southern Railway Depot
Crags Lodge
Downtown Loveland Historic District
Dunraven Cottage-Camp Dunraven
East Longs Peak Trail-Longs Peak Trail-Keyhole Route-Shelf Trail
Elkhorn Lodge
Fall River Entrance Historic District
Fall River Pass Ranger Station
Fall River Pump House and Catchment Basin
Fall River Road
Fern Lake Patrol Cabin
Fern Lake Trail
First National Bank Building
First United Presbyterian Church
Flattop Mountain Trail
Flowers, Jacob and Elizabeth, House
Fort Collins Armory
Fort Collins Municipal Railway Birnery Safety Streetcar No. 21
Fort Collins Post Office
Fuller, Montezuma, House
Gem Lake Trail
Glacier Basin Campground Ranger Station
Graves Camp Rural Historic District
Great Western Sugar Company Effluent Flume and Bridge
Greeley, Salt Lake and Pacific Railroad-Stout Branch
Harmony Mill
Hewes-Kirkwood Inn
Kelley House
Kissock Block Building
Lake Haiyaha Trail
Laurel School Historic District
Leiffer House
Lost Lake Trail
Loveland State Amory
MacGregor Ranch
Maxwell, R. G., House
McCreery, William H., House
McGraw Ranch
McHugh-Andrews House
Mills, Enos, Homestead Cabin
Milner-Schwarz House
Moraine Lodge
Moraine Park Museum and Amphitheater
Mosman House
Mountainside Lodge
North Inlet Trail
Old Town Fort Collins
Opera House Block/Central Block Building
Park Theatre
Patterson House
Peep O Day Park
Pleasant Valley School
Plummer School
Preston Farm
Provost Homestead-Herring Farm Rural Historic Landscape
Rialto Theater
Robertson, T. H., House
Rocky Mountain National Park Administration Building
Rocky Mountain National Park Utility Area Historic District
Schlichter, E.A., House
Shaffer, Henry K. and Mary E., House
Snogo Snow Plow
Soloman Batterson Ranch (Rural Historic Landscape)
Spruce Hall
Stanley Hotel
Stanley Hotel District
Stanley Hotel District (Stanley Power Plant Boundary Increase)
Swanson, Gustav and Annie, Farm
Trail Ridge Road
Truscott Junior High School
Twin Sisters Lookout
Vaille, Agnes, Shelter
Virginia Dale Stage Station
Waycott, Ernest, House
White, William Allen, Cabins
Willard, Beatrice, Alpine Tundra Research Plots
Willow Park Patrol Cabin
Willow Park Stable
Wind Ridge
Ypsilon Lake Trail