Historical Marker
First United Methodist Church of Giddings
Historical marker location:
297 E. Monroe St., Giddings, Texas
( 297 E. Monroe St. at S. Williams)
Marker installed: 1971
Founded 1871 with 24 charter members; first congregation to be organized in community, before platting of town in 1872. The Rev. William C. Lewis was first pastor. Early trustees included W. H. Cherry, Thomas Cox, R. D. McClellan, P. H. Merchant, John W. Moore, S. R. Mullen, H. Petway, W. A. Rector, W. B. Seay, T. G. B. Willard. Lay delegate to 1902-03 annual conferences was B. J. Fletcher.
First church building was erected in 1879. Originally part of a circuit, Giddings in 1938 became a station charge. Present sanctuary was built in 1957.