Location: Union Prairie Baptist Church Cemetery (1987) from Hwy 7, go to the Porter Springs store, turn right to reach the Union Prairie church and cemetery.(1998) 6 mi W on TX 7, turn L onto FM 132 for 2.4 mi to Porter Springs. Turn R onto CR 3070 for 2.6 mi to the Union Prairie Church and Cemetery(USGenWeb) Take Hwy 7 to FM 132 to Porter Springs. Take Cr. 30575 N (R). Pass Porter Springs Cemetery on R to CR 3070. Cemetery is about 1 mi down on R.Houston County Cemeteries, Third Edition, Houston County Historical Commission, 1987; Supplement to Houston County Texas Cemeteries Third Edition, 1998; USGenWeb Archives; topo mapTHC site visit MB 10-28-04: On CR 3070 for 2.5 miles NW from SH 7. Brick church, adjacent cemetery fenced, ell shape sloping along CR. Newer and older sections. Large Oak and Cedar marker trees, some Gardenia, some Irises marking graves. Formal markers, diversity over time. Obelisks, curbing, slabs, also some local castings, some folk and homemade markers. Some fieldstone markers. Photo enamels. Abundant floral grave materials. Some religious grave materials. Adjacent to pasture, woodlands, road. US veterans. Approx 2.74 acres.GPS – risk endangerment, fenced, maintained, associated church, on map, still in use.
To address the problem of cemetery destruction and to record as many cemeteries as possible, the
Texas Historical Commission offers the Historic Texas Cemetery designation.
The Historic
Texas Cemetery designation was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by
recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent
to the cemetery of its existence. Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic
Texas Cemetery through this program. The HTC designation is the first step toward preservation of a historic cemetery.
A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition
for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s
presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or
agency may submit a request for designation.