Historic Cemetery

Little Flock Baptist Cemetery

Anderson, Texas 77830
Location: Little Flock Baptist Church Cemetery –Recorded, GRIM11—Parsons. H&P, Grimes Co Hist.: Piedmont, [no details]; p. 80-1, “also called Suphur Springs, area of springs bought in 1843 by William Arrington, operating a campground and health resort of baths and one-room cottages near the springs. Sold property in 1858 to H. Lee and C.S. Taliaferro, then in 1860 Suphur Springs was renamed Piedmont by new owner Leander Cannon who built large new hotel, race track, ballroom. … Hotel occupied by Civil War hospital, then bankrupt … In 1906 Little Flock Missionary Baptist Church established by Negro citizens of Piedmont, also served as school.” community history, p. 111: photo of frame church, Little Flock Missionary Baptist Church located at Piedmont, org. 1906, list of pastors & mission staff.” GNIS on Carlos map. SE of Piedmont, off CRs, near Little Flock Creek. H&P, Grimes Co Hist.: Local hist. map, p. 67, “Erwin orig. called Fuqua’s Prairie …1830s immigrant from Alabama … homestead, hospitable and safe camping ground … Southern and English immigrants followed. Cotton, gins, three churches [Anderson Bapt. Ch., Fuqua Prairie Bapt. Ch., Steele’s Methodist Ch., plus Negro church Green Valley Ch—the only one remaining in Erwin –1980s. … Several schoolsRocky Mound, Bloomfield, others plus 2 Negro schools. Three cemeteries in Erwin: Erwin Cem is oldest in Grimes Co., donated by E. Fuqua near his log house. Other cems at Erwin are Steele’s Chapel and the former church location for Little Flock—current church in Piedmont. … [active] social life of community.SEE Cemeteries of Grimes County, vols 1-5 John Maxwell, GCHC.THC Site visit MB 4/17/04. Cemetery associated with but NOT adjacent to current Little Flock Baptist Church site at separate location. Very large fenced site along CR 188. From FM 3090 2.8 miles on CR 185 to CR 188 for about 0.6 mile. Adjacent to residence with guard dog sign. Approx 6106 CR 188. Formal and informal markers, some scraped earth and mounding. Also local castings and unique embellishments. Certain areas more recently mowed than others. Cedar marker trees, Oaks, rock curbs, benches. Abundant floral grave materials. Scattered family areas amid acreage of site. Quad 3096-411Approx 3.3 acres. GPS – Quad 3096-411Low endangerment: maintained, fenced, near residences, recent burials. SEE Notes.

To address the problem of cemetery destruction and to record as many cemeteries as possible, the Texas Historical Commission offers the Historic Texas Cemetery designation.

The Historic Texas Cemetery designation was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent to the cemetery of its existence. Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery through this program. The HTC designation is the first step toward preservation of a historic cemetery.

A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or agency may submit a request for designation.