Historical Marker

Grundy Plantation

Historical marker location:
Springfield, Kentucky
( 636 Valley Hill Rd., Springfield)

Settled by George and Elizabeth Grundy in 1780 after fleeing war-torn Berkeley Co., Va.. This wilderness frontier of Va., then called Kaintuckee, became a state in 1792. Son Samuel stayed on the farm and expanded it. Another son Felix chose law and politics. This portion of the farm still remains in the Grundy family.

Felix Grundy- Gained prominence as a celebrated criminal lawyer & political leader. He practiced law in Springfield, took part in 2nd Const. Convention, served Washington Co.(1800-02) & Nelson Co. (1804-06) in legislature. Became judge of Ct. of Appeals, then Chief Justice of Ky. in 1807. U.S. Senator 1829-38, 1839-40 & U.S. Attorney General, 1838-39.