Historical Marker

Schnitzelburg / Dainty—A Schnitzelburg Street Game

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( 1000 Goss Ave., Louisville)

Once part of Germantown, area’s growth occurred after completion of 1891 Goss Texas Ave. streetcar loop. Part of Alexander Spotswood 1000-acre land grant; region platted 1866 by D.H. Meriwether. Landmarks include Louisville Cotton Mills, St. Elizabeth’s Church, Heitzman’s Bakery. #1 Citizen honored annually.

Introduced to Louisville in 1800 by German immigrants, Dainty is played with a 5” stick, and a 3’ stick. The 5” stick is placed on the ground, hit with the longer, then hit, airborne, as far as possible. Game revived in 1971 by George Hauck & Charlie Vettiner. The World Championship Dainty Contest is celebrated each July.